KURUKSHETRA GURUKULAM FOUNDATION (KGF) vision is to prepare Sanatani Hindus to counter the ongoing civilizational assault on them by empowering them with knowledge of Hindu scriptures, Self-defence, and Organizational support.
Kurukshetra Gurukulam Foundation (KGF) has been established to reawaken Dharmakshetra for the Sanatan Dharmis. This Gurukulam is different from the traditional Gurukuls, in which only the study and teaching of young students was arranged. This Gurukulam is for both men and women of all age groups. Its aim is to Strengthen the Sanatan society through Shaastr (scriptures), Shastr (weapons) and Sangathan (organization).
The Gita begins with, Dharmakshetre Kurukshetre Samaveta Yuyutsavah (धर्मक्षेत्रे कुरुक्षेत्रे समवेता युयुत्सवः।). Today, the Sanatani society has to understand the essence of this verse and understand that, whether we like it or not, we are standing in a Kurukshetra today.
KGF aspires to make Sanatanis worthy of winning this Dharmakshetra-Kurukshetra in the modern context. This is our resolve! This is our goal!
Prepare Sanatani Hindus to counter the ongoing civilizational assault on them by empowering them with knowledge of Hindu scriptures, Self-defence, and Organizational support.
Our Team behind the KGF Mission
Kurukshetra Gurukulam Foundation (KGF) aim is to Strengthen the Sanatan society through Shaastr (scriptures), Shastr (weapons) and Sangathan (organization).
KGF believes that the hands holding a Shastra (Weapons) will not fight for Dharma unless they not controlled by the minds ruled by the Shaastra (Scriptures).
KGF wants to return the lost bravery to the Sanatan Hindu society, therefore it is committed to empowering the mind & body of Hindu society.
KGF goal is to connect every Hindu across the world with a powerful, yet flexible Ecosystem which can accommodate all Sects of Sanatan Dharma.
Hindus need to be brought back to Hinduism before we start our Digvijay Yatra to conquer the world.
70 Hindus studied this course. Shankaracharya of Jyotish Peeth, Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati ji gave